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  • Casper the Dog

    Vote for Casper for People's Choice Pup


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  • Ag in the Classroom Program Recommends Monthly Book 

    我们的课堂农业项目为更多的格鲁吉亚教育工作者提供了工具,帮助他们在课堂上实施与农业相关的概念教学. We achieve this mission t

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  • Ways Georgia Farm Bureau Members Can Save This Fall 

    There are tons of ways to save as a Georgia Farm Bureau member. 为了感谢我们近25万的十大靠谱网赌官方平台家庭,我们提供了超过30万的福利和折扣. Here’s how you and your family can s

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  • Slice of Life

    Here in Georgia, we have a lot to be thankful for. As you plan for fall holidays and get-togethers, 在你的餐桌上为用爱和我们州种植的原料制作的馅饼留一个位置.

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  • Fresh Fixins With Chef Hugh Acheson

    Fresh Fixins With Chef Hugh Acheson

    With help from our Certified Farm Markets, try this lobster dish created by Hugh Acheson, 谁说他想做一顿看起来很花哨,但当你深入研究它时,它真的很简单的清爽饭菜.

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  • Escape to Clayton

    Escape to Clayton

    Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Georgia, Clayton is a hidden gem and well worth a weekend getaway. Read on for travel inspiration on where to sip, stay and play.

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  • Hugh Acheson

    Hugh Acheson

    厨师休·艾奇逊的职业是就地取材,时令烹饪. 早在“从农场到餐桌”成为全国各地注重本土的餐馆的通用词汇之前, Chef Hugh Acheson was putting its principles into action.

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  • Find the Best Burger in the Country in Georgia

    Find the Best Burger in the Country in Georgia

    Did you know that Georgia has the best burger in the U.S.? Read on to see how you can taste the burger who took the top prize!

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  • How GFB Members Can Save This Summer

    How GFB Members Can Save This Summer

    Your children are out of school, 你可能会绞尽脑汁,想办法让他们在暑假里忙个不停,同时又不会倾家荡产. 你知道乔治亚州农场局的成员在几个夏季景点都有折扣吗?

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  • Pizza Perfection

    Pizza Perfection

    捷豹披萨店有两个目标:提供美味的食物和支持当地社区. 他们专注于与当地的食材结合,每个月都与当地的农民联系,在他们的披萨中加入当地种植的元素.

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  • Your Small Business Deserves Big Business Benefits

    Your Small Business Deserves Big Business Benefits

    We know you work hard for your small business. 这就是为什么你应该得到一个对你同样有效的医疗十大靠谱网赌官方平台解决方案. 佐治亚农业局与安森蓝十字和蓝盾合作,为小型雇主提供佐治亚农业局医疗保健计划.

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  • Products We Love: Mother's Day Edition

    Products We Love: Mother's Day Edition

    Are you searching for the perfect gift for your mom for Mother's Day? We have you covered! 这里有五种我们喜欢的产品,我们知道你的妈妈也会喜欢它们!

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  • How To Grow Your Own Salsa Garden

    How To Grow Your Own Salsa Garden

    Did you know that May is National Salsa month? Americans spend around $1.5 billion a year on prepackaged salsa! Many people will be eating salsa on Cinco de Mayo, 但是你有没有想过在家里自己种植莎莎酱原料呢?

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  • Why You Should Care About the Farm Bill

    Why You Should Care About the Farm Bill

    这是一项管理一系列农业和食品项目的多年法律, 这是影响全国农民和牧场主的最重要的立法. Keep reading to find out how the Farm Bill impacts you.

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  • Magnolia Loom Launches Support Agriculture Initiative

    Magnolia Loom Launches Support Agriculture Initiative

    在帮助乔治亚州的组织筹集资金支持农业项目将近三年之后, Magnolia Loom launches Support American Agriculture serving Georgia, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, Missouri and Nevada.

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  • Just Add Honey

    Just Add Honey


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  • Lifetime of Leadership

    Lifetime of Leadership


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  • Fresh Fixins by Chef Claudia Martinez

    Fresh Fixins by Chef Claudia Martinez

    With help from our Certified Farm Markets, try these lemon-glazed donuts created by Claudia Martinez, 他是亚特兰大布雷迪大道Miller Union餐厅的主厨,也是2022年詹姆斯·比尔德奖(James Beard Award)糕点厨师类别的决赛选手.

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  • Celebrating Women in Agriculture

    Celebrating Women in Agriculture

    我们农业局认为,农业女性是一个特别强大的群体, and since March is Women's History Month, 为了纪念这一时刻,我们只关注其中的几个.

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  • 5 Ingredient Leafy Greens

    5 Ingredient Leafy Greens

    这个绿叶菜食谱简单,美味,放在每一张桌子上看起来都很漂亮. 我们喜欢用认证农场市场上的绿色蔬菜做这个食谱. Give it a try, we know you'll like it too!

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  • Products We Love: Valentines Edition

    Products We Love: Valentines Edition

    Searching for the perfect gift for Valentine's Day? We have five products that we love, and we know you'll love too!

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  • Do Bees Hibernate?

    Do Bees Hibernate?

    有时我们发现自己在冬眠,从寒冷的气温中寻求温暖. But what about our pollinators? Do bees hibernate?

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  • Made in Georgia Butter Board

    Made in Georgia Butter Board

    这道美丽的开胃菜会使你所有的客人在这个节日里感到高兴. 让这道菜更美味的是我们用了乔治亚州出产的黄油.

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  • The Perfect Cookie For This Year's Cookie Swap

    The Perfect Cookie For This Year's Cookie Swap

    Not only does this cookie melt in your mouth, 它会欺骗你的朋友,让他们以为你花了几个小时在厨房里为他们做准备.

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  • Holly Jolly Jamisons

    Holly Jolly Jamisons

    The family’s Christmas traditions always include choosing a fresh tree, 继续往下读,你可以在认证农场市场找到自己的圣诞树.

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  • 2022 Holiday Gift Guide

    2022 Holiday Gift Guide

    Looking for the perfect gift? 乔治亚州种植和当地手工制作的物品是您清单上每个人的贴心礼物. Here are a few products we love.

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  • A Fall Maze that Delivers

    A Fall Maze that Delivers

    Poppell Farms presents an iconic fall maze, which features the mailman himself, Quarterback Stetson Bennett. One of our Certified Farm Markets, this family-oriented farm offers hayrides, a pumpkin patch, cow-train rides, and jumping pillows.

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    • Tags:
    • Fall Maze
    • Pumpkins
    • Stetson Bennett
    • university of Georgia
  • 5 Steps to Save With a GFB Membership

    5 Steps to Save With a GFB Membership

    We loved our trip the Georgia Aquarium and cannot wait to go back. 享受一个美妙的家庭活动,同时获得折扣,因为我们格鲁吉亚农场局的十大靠谱网赌官方平台资格是一个胜利, win. Learn how you can save with your membership too!

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  • Pumpkin Soup

    Pumpkin Soup

    This savory soup is a cozy addition to any fall meal. 它结合了南瓜和香料的味道,上面有一点奶油和脆皮.

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  • Mommy and Me: Pumpkin Dog Treats

    Mommy and Me: Pumpkin Dog Treats

    Lucky, 我们乔治亚州农场局团队的最新成员喜欢这些点心,我们确保每次拍照都要做一批. 我们希望你能亲手烘焙Lucky最喜欢的零食,我们相信你的朋友也会喜欢的! 

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  • Pumpkin Scones with Spiced Glaze

    Pumpkin Scones with Spiced Glaze

    The perfect way to enjoy fall. These moist, 当你坐在北乔治亚山脉或任何地方享受门廊时,美味的烤饼配上一杯新鲜的乔.

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  • Girls Can 'Cue Too

    Girls Can 'Cue Too


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    • barbecue
    • dolans
    • lazar brown oglesby
    • mary beth brown
  • Stewed Okra and Georgia Tomatoes

    Stewed Okra and Georgia Tomatoes

    如果还没有,这个食谱很快就会成为你家里的主食.  这是一道很受欢迎的南方菜,但你不必住在南方就能享受到这种舒适的组合.

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  • Mommy & Me: Air Fryer Okra

    Mommy & Me: Air Fryer Okra

    这个快速简单的食谱突出了乔治亚州的秋葵,非常适合小手. 太好吃了,你会把这些小豆荚像爆米花一样塞进嘴里. 

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  • USDA Provides Assistance in Wake of Disasters

    USDA Provides Assistance in Wake of Disasters

    The U.S. 美国农业部(USDA)鼓励飓风“伊恩”途经地区的农民,该机构有在灾害发生后提供援助的项目. 事实上,他们有地区、州和县办事处随时准备提供帮助.

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  • Growing Family Traditions

    Growing Family Traditions

    For a fifth-generation farmer, 杰克·卡特是家庭纽带可以在农场建立的活生生的证明,这并不奇怪. 对于他的父母和祖父母来说,这意味着在亨利县的南方百丽农场长大.

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  • Fresh Fixins

    Fresh Fixins

    由厨师Lazar Brown Oglesby和Mary Beth Brown在斯泰茨伯勒的Dolan 's Bar-B-Que创作的新鲜固定菜.

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  • Double Duty

    Double Duty

    During the day, Allen Poole和Blake Poole这对父子都在佐治亚州州长办公室忙着全职工作. When the work day is over, like most folks, they head home.

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    • Allen poole
    • blake poole
    • governor kemp
    • state governor office
  • A Dash of Southern Flavor

    A Dash of Southern Flavor

    These green vegetables make the perfect pickled treat. Fun to pick, and even more fun to pickle and save for later.

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  • Follow Us to the Fair

    Follow Us to the Fair

    我们期待着每年的博览会,因为它给了我们一个机会与我们的成员见面,庆祝我们对格鲁吉亚农业的共同热爱. This year we’re announcing exciting news!

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  • 3 Things to Look Forward to at Zoo Atlanta

    3 Things to Look Forward to at Zoo Atlanta

    Spending time with our families is one of our most prized commodities. 我们的十大靠谱网赌官方平台可以充分利用每一刻,享受亚特兰大动物园的折扣门票. 以下是未来几个月亚特兰大动物园即将举行的三场活动.

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    • Membership Benefits
  • Mommy & Me: Mini Peach Pies

    Mommy & Me: Mini Peach Pies

    Perfect for little hands, packed with the flavor of Georgia peaches and coated with a sweet, sugary glaze. Your whole family will love them. Use a bit of caution because these are sure to become addictive.

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    • Certified Farm Market
    • peaches
  • Broiled Peaches with Vanilla Ice Cream

    Broiled Peaches with Vanilla Ice Cream

    这道甜而可口的甜点以乔治亚州出产的桃子和蜂蜜为特色. This classy dish will have your guests asking for more.

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    • Tags:
    • balsamic vinegar
    • Honey
    • peaches
  • Fresh Georgia Peach Salsa

    Fresh Georgia Peach Salsa

    这种美丽的萨尔萨充满了味道和鲜艳的颜色,来自于这里生长的桃子州. Enjoy this sweet and spicy blend with ripe Georgia peaches.

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    • Certified Farm Market
    • georgia grown
    • peaches
    • tomatoes
  • Passport Adventures Through Ellijay

    Passport Adventures Through Ellijay


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    • Tags:
    • Apples
    • Certified Farm Market
    • peaches
    • Pumpkins
    • Vegetables
  • High Fuel Prices Squeeze Farms and Ranches

    High Fuel Prices Squeeze Farms and Ranches

    美国农业局最近发表了一篇文章,解释了油价上涨对农民和牧场主的影响. 农民和牧场主在与不断增长的粮食和纤维种植成本作斗争时感受到了压力.

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  • Mommy & Me: Mrs. Diane’s Blueberry Syrup

    Mommy & Me: Mrs. Diane’s Blueberry Syrup

    A sweet addition to your favorite pancakes or ice cream. This recipe is so delicious you'll want to put it on everything.

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    • blueberry
    • Certified Farm Markets
  • Spinach Salad with Fresh Blueberry Vinaigrette

    Spinach Salad with Fresh Blueberry Vinaigrette

    Looking for a fresh salad with a beautiful, vibrant homemade dressing? This recipe highlights fresh, 乔治亚州种植的浆果配上柠檬汁和甜甜的乔治亚蜂蜜. Easy to put together and perfect for your next family cookout.

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    • Tags:
    • blueberries
    • Honey
    • Pecans
  • Delectable Blueberry Lemon Cake

    Delectable Blueberry Lemon Cake

    这款最受欢迎的层叠蛋糕将柑橘和蓝莓的味道与光滑的奶油奶酪糖霜结合在一起. 它绝对赢得了最受欢迎的甜点的认可,很快就会成为你家里的最爱.

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    • blueberries
  • Farm Passport Adventures 

    Farm Passport Adventures 

    The Farm Passport is a great reason to discover Georgia, support local farmers, and experience fresh food. 该计划帮助你发现你的食物来自哪里,并支持那些使之成为可能的人. Let your Farm Passport guide you!

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    • Certified Farm Markets Farm Passport
  • Just Shrimpin' Around

    Just Shrimpin' Around

    不要错过这个夏天向你的孩子介绍乔治亚州虾业的机会. Check out this sneak peek of May's book of the month, complete with kid-friendly activities and easy no bake recipes.

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    • Agriculture
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    • Tags:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • shrimp
    • Three Little Shrimp
  • GFB Members Can Now Save 15% at IHG Hotels & Resorts

    GFB Members Can Now Save 15% at IHG Hotels & Resorts

    学年结束了,你离暑假越来越近了. Looking to save on your trip? 了解格鲁吉亚农场局的成员现在可以在洲际酒店和度假村节省高达15%的折扣. 

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    • IHG Hotels and Resorts
    • Member Benefits
    • Membership
    • Summer Savings
  • Young Farmers & Ranchers Summer Leadership Conference FAQs

    Young Farmers & Ranchers Summer Leadership Conference FAQs

    Young Farmers and Ranchers meet every year at the annual YF&R Summer Leadership Conference on Jekyll Island, Georgia. 以下是一些关于夏季领导会议的常见问题. 

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    • Young Farmers & Ranchers Summer Leadership Conference
  • Refreshing Strawberry Watermelon Salad

    Refreshing Strawberry Watermelon Salad


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    • DIY
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    • Tags:
    • Honey
    • Strawberry
  • Sweet Strawberry Buttercream Cake

    Sweet Strawberry Buttercream Cake

    Surprise your family and friends with this beautiful, sweet cake with the tastiest buttercream frosting around.

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    • Strawberry
  • Mommy & Me: Fresh Strawberry Scones

    Mommy & Me: Fresh Strawberry Scones


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    • Tags:
    • Dairy
    • Strawberry
  • Books We Love

    Books We Love


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  • Celebrating Our Ag Heroes

    Celebrating Our Ag Heroes

    We're celebrating the heroes of agriculture in our lives, 我们邀请了乔治亚州农场局的一些人来分享他们的农业英雄. Here's what they had to say.

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    • Agriculture
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    • Tags:
    • Ag Hero
    • Ag Week
    • georgia ag week
  • A Passport Story

    A Passport Story

    虽然农业是格鲁吉亚最重要的产业,但人们很容易忽略它. It blends in – it is the countryside and landscape; but once you become aware of it, it’s seemingly everywhere, and it’s fascinating.

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    • Agritourism
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    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Market
    • CFM
    • Farm Passport
    • Passport
    • peaches
  • Celebrate Georgia Ag Week with Georgia Farm Bureau

    Celebrate Georgia Ag Week with Georgia Farm Bureau

    乔治亚州农场局的农业课堂计划与几个全州合作伙伴一起,希望帮助您庆祝乔治亚州农业周, March 21st through 25th.

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    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Agriculture
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    • Gardening
    • Tags:
    • georgia ag week
  • Frenchy’s Blues

    Frenchy’s Blues

    前亚特兰大勇士杰夫·弗朗科和他家族成功的浆果农场. The story of how he went from the right field to the farm field.

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    • Agriculture
    • Agritourism
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    • Tags:
    • blueberries
  • Amazing Oysters

    Amazing Oysters

    Shellfish Research Lab helps Georgia make strides in oyster aquaculture.

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    • Tags:
    • aquaculture
  • Fresh Fixins

    Fresh Fixins

    With help from our Certified Farm Markets, 试试这道由Daniel Zeal制作的南方风味海鲜和蔬菜, resort executive chef at Sea Island Company.

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    • Food
    • Tags:
    • Vegetables
  • A Waffle Lot to Love

    A Waffle Lot to Love

    How do you make a waffle smile? Easy! Just butter it up! 看看这些华夫饼的创意,这些华夫饼的原料来自我们的认证农场市场, all guaranteed to make you smile.

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    • Certified Farm Markets
    • DIY
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    • Tags:
    • Apples
    • berries
    • Dairy
    • Honey
    • peaches
    • Pecans
  • Dairy: Good for Me, Good for the Planet

    Dairy: Good for Me, Good for the Planet

    不要错过这个与乳制品联盟合作的虚拟演示. Register by March 7th at 4PM.

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    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Agriculture
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    • Tags:
    • Dairy Alliance
  • Happy Holsteins

    Happy Holsteins

    Robotics help produce healthy cows at Hillcrest Farms

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    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Tags:
    • Dairy
  • Oh Christmas Tree

    Oh Christmas Tree

    Ready to deck the halls? Excited for Saint Nick's arrival? 看看整个州的圣诞树市场,在那里你可以买到你完美的常青树,甚至在一些地方你可以自己砍树!

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    • Tags:
    • Christmas Trees
  • 2021 Holiday Gift Guide

    2021 Holiday Gift Guide

    If you haven't quite finished your Christmas shopping list, 我们有一些产品向你展示我们的爱和格鲁吉亚人的创造.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • holiday product we love
    • Products We Love
  • No-Bake Pecan Pie Truffles

    No-Bake Pecan Pie Truffles

    All of the flavor of traditional Pecan Pie without the baking time.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • DIY
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • no-bake recipes
    • pecan pie
    • pecan pie truffles
    • Pecans
  • Easy Cranberry Brie Bites

    Easy Cranberry Brie Bites

    A simple recipe that packs a lot of flavor and looks sophisticated. Your guests will think you spent all day creating these little wonders.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • brie
    • cranberry
    • rosemary
  • Pumpkin Pie Dip

    Pumpkin Pie Dip

    秋天是南瓜的季节,如果你想要南瓜派的所有味道,而不必烤南瓜派, you'll want to try this creamy, flavorful dip.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • Apples
    • Pumpkin
  • Bacon-Wrapped Brussels Sprouts

    Bacon-Wrapped Brussels Sprouts

    This easy dish, 抱子甘蓝将成为你感恩节餐桌上的主食.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • Bacon
    • Brussels sprouts
  • From the Armed Forces to Agriculture: Farming Resources for Veterans

    From the Armed Forces to Agriculture: Farming Resources for Veterans

    Military veterans put their lives on the line to defend our country, but the adjustment back to civilian life can be a tough one. 了解退伍军人的许多资源,帮助他们学习农业,甚至自己成为一名农民. 

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Tags:
    • Veteran Farmers
    • Veterans Day
  • Have You Thanked a Farmer Today?

    Have You Thanked a Farmer Today?

    Did you know that farmers make up less than 2% of the population, and somehow they’re able to feed and clothe the world. 他们的工作很艰苦,所以今天和每一天他们都值得我们的赞赏.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Tags:
  • A Fresh Path

    A Fresh Path

    There are many words to describe her — owner, farmer, businesswoman, mechanic, 斯图尔特——但她最自豪的两个是女性和第一代.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Tags:
  • Reaching Beyond Rural

    Reaching Beyond Rural


    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Tags:
  • Barnsley Resort's Cream of Butternut Squash Soup

    Barnsley Resort's Cream of Butternut Squash Soup

    奶油汤,羽衣甘蓝和酥脆乡村火腿的完美结合. This recipe makes an easy entertaining meal in the busy fall season.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • DIY
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
  • Twice as Nice

    Twice as Nice


    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
  • Nora Mill

    Nora Mill


    • Categories:
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Tags:
  • The Giving Trees

    The Giving Trees

    Not only does the forestry industry generate jobs, economic output, and more than 5,000 life-sustaining products, Georgia trees clean our air and water in the process.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
    • economic impact
    • economy
    • forestry
    • paper
    • paper towels
    • pine tree
    • toilet paper
    • trees
  • 10 Ideas for Your Fall Bucket List

    10 Ideas for Your Fall Bucket List

    The fall season brings so much to look forward to, and there's no better place to experience fall than on the farm!

    • Categories:
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • corn maze
    • Fall
    • farm market
    • festivals
    • hayride
    • Pumpkin
  • An Open Flame

    An Open Flame

    无论你是点燃后院的火坑还是在露营地生火, 犒赏自己一顿户外早餐,有牛排和鸡蛋,配上时令蔬菜.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • campfire
    • camping
    • Eggs
    • Recipe
    • Steak
  • Join National Read a Book Day

    Join National Read a Book Day


    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
  • One Family Shares Their Peach Farm Route

    One Family Shares Their Peach Farm Route


    • Categories:
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Tags:
    • Dickey Farms
    • Farm Passport
    • Hudson’s BBQ
    • Lane Southern Orchard
    • Pearson Farms
    • Samuel Henry Rumph Home Historic Marker
    • William Brown Farm Market
    • Williams
    • yoders restaurant and bakery
  • Celebrating 84 Years of Georgia Farm Bureau

    Celebrating 84 Years of Georgia Farm Bureau

    Georgia Farm Bureau began 84 years ago this month, and we’ve been through many milestones along the way. We are so proud of our history and our mission to serve Georgians. Take a look back at some memories that are important to us.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Education
    • Farm Bureau
    • Insurance
    • Tags:
    • Georgia Farm Bureau
  • Shop Local for the Perfect Father’s Day Gifts

    Shop Local for the Perfect Father’s Day Gifts

    父亲节马上就要到了,我们为您准备了一份完美的礼物指南. 我们的认证农场市场有很多东西可以提供,是送给爸爸的完美礼物!

    • Categories:
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Tags:
  • Celebrate Dairy Month with the Book of the Year

    Celebrate Dairy Month with the Book of the Year

    June is Dairy Month, 为了纪念这本书,我们整理了一份资源清单,帮助你更多地了解这本畅销书和格鲁吉亚的乳制品行业.

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Blog
    • Tags:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • book
    • Dairy
    • dairy month
    • donation
    • library
    • literacy
  • Plan Your Perfect Summer Break

    Plan Your Perfect Summer Break

    As a Georgia Farm Bureau member you have access to more than 300,000 discount offers for local, regional and national brands. 学习如何在不倾家荡产的情况下计划完美的暑假.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Member Benefits
    • Tags:
    • Georgia Farm Bureau Membership
    • Summer Travel
  • Mason Jar Peach Ice Cream

    Mason Jar Peach Ice Cream

    This must-try recipe is easy, quick, and delicious. Just in time for sweet Georgia peach season.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • DIY
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • certified farmer market
    • DIY ice cream
    • ice cream
    • peach
    • peach ice cream
  • DIY-Dried Strawberries

    DIY-Dried Strawberries


    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • DIY
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • strawberry DIY Recipe Ag in the Classroom Certified Farm Market
  • Products We Love

    Products We Love


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Gardening
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Neighbors Magazine
    • Products We Love
  • Simple Roasted Cabbage

    Simple Roasted Cabbage

    An easy, quick recipe that is sure to impress your dinner guests.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • DIY
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • Food
    • roasted cabbage
  • Fresh Fruit Toast Recipes

    Fresh Fruit Toast Recipes


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • DIY
    • Food
    • Tags:
  • Experience Ag on Trail 37

    Experience Ag on Trail 37

    Trail 37, Georgia’s first official agritourism highway, 带游客们踏上南乔治亚州富饶的农业之旅.

    • Categories:
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • agriculture highway
    • agriculture trail
    • Agritourism
    • Farm Passport
    • farm visit
    • ga grown trail
    • Passport
    • Trail 37
  • Farm Passport Tips from Real Travelers

    Farm Passport Tips from Real Travelers


    • Categories:
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Tags:
  • Georgia Ag Week 2021

    Georgia Ag Week 2021

    Celebrate Georgia Ag Week with us through fun themed days!

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • Ag Hero Day
    • Ag Literacy Day
    • Buy Georgia Grown day
    • ga ag week
    • georgia ag week
    • Make my plate Georgia Grown Day
    • School Garden Day
  • Our Adventure

    Our Adventure


    • Categories:
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Market
    • Farm
    • farm market
    • farm visit
    • Passport
  • At Home with the McCalls

    At Home with the McCalls

    Some use family recipes as a link between generation to generation. 我们聚集在麦考尔家的厨房,分享他们的家庭回忆,他们一起准备饭菜. 

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
  • Four Spring Salad Recipes

    Four Spring Salad Recipes

    没有人能比乔治亚州农场局的认证农场市场更好地装饰沙拉了! Grab your Passport and try these delicious salads this spring.

    • Categories:
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • apple
    • blackberries
    • farm market
    • Farm Passport
    • Honey
    • Passport
    • pear
    • salad
    • spinach
    • Steak
    • Strawberries
  • Fresh Fixins with Georgia Chef Holly Chute

    Fresh Fixins with Georgia Chef Holly Chute


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • cheese grits
    • georgia grown
    • goat cheese
    • grits
    • holly chute
    • shitake
    • shrimp
  • Purple people pleaser

    Purple people pleaser


    • Categories:
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Agritourism
    • dahlonega
    • lavender
    • red oak farm
  • Looking good, doing good

    Looking good, doing good

    灵感来自于那些在田地里辛勤工作却穿着盛装出席盛大场合的绅士们, Southern Proper is classic, courteous, crisp and tied like a well-knotted bowtie.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • bowtie
    • clothing
    • Corn
    • cotton
    • necktie
    • peaches
    • southern belle farms
    • southern proper
  • Candied Citrus Garnish

    Candied Citrus Garnish

    This easy candied citrus recipe is great for dressing up a simple cake, taking a glass of sweet tea to the next level, or even just as a sweet snack.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • baking
    • cake
    • citrus
    • cocktails
    • lemon
    • mandarin
    • sweet tea
  • It’s Carnival Time-King Cake Recipe

    It’s Carnival Time-King Cake Recipe

    这款带有些许肉桂味的甜点与一杯咖啡完美搭配. You can make it with just cinnamon inside or mix it up with pecans, or your favorite preserves from your local Certified Farm Market.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Tags:
  • A Mother-Son Farm Passport Adventure

    A Mother-Son Farm Passport Adventure


    • Categories:
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • blueberries
    • Certified Farm Market
    • Farm Passport
    • kids
    • peaches
    • Strawberries
    • toddler
    • U pick
  • Retirees Live it Up with a New Type of Passport

    Retirees Live it Up with a New Type of Passport

    They may not have stamped their US passport book in 2020, 但他们发现了新的地方,用他们的农场护照留下了很多回忆.

    • Categories:
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Adams Farm
    • Agritourism
    • Certified Farm Market
    • mercier orchard
    • Passport
    • Travel
  • 2020 Holiday Gift Guide

    2020 Holiday Gift Guide

    如果你正在为家人或朋友寻找完美的礼物, we've got the perfect thing for you. Here are a few items we love this holiday season.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Products We Love
  • Top Holiday Traditions You Should Try in 2020

    Top Holiday Traditions You Should Try in 2020

    通过与你亲近的人共度美好时光,与所爱的人一起创造美好的回忆,在2020年你应该尝试一下这些顶级的节日传统, don't miss the bonus gift guide at the bottom.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Markets
  • 5-Bean Veggie Soup

    5-Bean Veggie Soup

    很快就会有凉风吹过,穿毛衣的天气即将来临. That means, it's time to cozy up to a warm bowl of soup.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Tags:
  • Celebrating STEM

    Celebrating STEM


    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
  • Farmers Make the Holidays Special

    Farmers Make the Holidays Special


    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Education
    • Tags:
    • Ag in the Classroom
  • Celebrating Fall in 2020 

    Celebrating Fall in 2020 

    Wherever you live in Georgia, we’ve got your fall plans covered. 秋天飞逝而过,今天就计划好你的行程,别忘了带上你的农场护照.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Market
    • Farm Passport
    • Georgia Farm Bureau
  • Fair-style Corn

    Fair-style Corn


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Tags:
    • Corn
    • Georgia Farm Bureau
    • Georgia National Fair
    • Street Corn
  • Carnival Caramel Apples

    Carnival Caramel Apples


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • caramel apples
    • Georgia Farm Bureau
    • Georgia National Fair
  • A glimpse inside Green Gate Farm

    A glimpse inside Green Gate Farm


    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
  • Copycat Fair Corn Dog Recipe

    Copycat Fair Corn Dog Recipe


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Corn Dogs
    • Georgia National Fair
  • Georgia National Fair Lemonade Recipe

    Georgia National Fair Lemonade Recipe


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • Georgia National Fair
    • lemonade
  • 'I Left the Land Better Than I Found It'

    'I Left the Land Better Than I Found It'

    世界著名音乐家Chuck Leavell让可持续发展和林业变得很酷

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • charlane plantation
    • chuck leavell
    • farmer
    • forestry
    • rolling stones
    • rose lane leavell
  • 主厨杰米·基廷的新鲜配菜:可口可乐釉面红烧肉奖章



    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • beans
    • braised pork
    • brussels slaw
    • epic restaurant
    • fresh fixins
    • glaze
    • jamie keating
    • Pork
  • How Farmers Can Advocate for Their Industry

    How Farmers Can Advocate for Their Industry


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Legislative
    • Tags:
    • election
    • i farm
    • i farm i vote
    • i vote
    • ifarm ivote
    • vote
  • Teaching about agriculture is as easy as A B C

    Teaching about agriculture is as easy as A B C


    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
    • Ag in the Classroom
  • Fresh Ways to Enjoy Crisp Georgia Apples

    Fresh Ways to Enjoy Crisp Georgia Apples

    Nothing says fall like apple picking. Here are two new ways to enjoy the fruits of your labor!

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • apple
    • apple recipe
    • healthy snack
  • Tomato Sandwich Four Ways

    Tomato Sandwich Four Ways

    It's tough to beat a fresh tomato sandwich. Here are four ways to enjoy a summer favorite.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • Recipe
    • Tomato
    • tomato recipe
    • tomato sandwich
  • Ag-Tivities with Lauren: Pollinators

    Ag-Tivities with Lauren: Pollinators

    Get ready to “bee” amazed!

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
    • ag in the classroom; education; learning
  • A Livelihood and a Passion

    A Livelihood and a Passion

    Set in the North Georgia mountains, Bramlett鳟鱼养殖场是高品质虹鳟鱼生产的领导者

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • bramlett
    • fishing
    • rainbow trout
    • trout
    • trout farm
  • Vote Today in Georgia's General Primary Runoff Election

    Vote Today in Georgia's General Primary Runoff Election


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Legislative
    • Tags:
    • i farm i vote
    • Legislative
    • legislative issues
    • public policy
    • vote
  • Summer Grilling Tips and Recipes

    Summer Grilling Tips and Recipes

    GFB感谢乔治亚州牛肉委员会的Charlsy Godowns分享食谱, grilling tips, and the stories behind Georgia beef.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Tags:
    • Beef
    • Burger
    • cattleman's association
    • georgia beef
    • marinade
    • Recipe
    • Steak
  • Ag-Tivities with Lauren: Ice Cream Month

    Ag-Tivities with Lauren: Ice Cream Month


    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Ag-Tivities with Lauren
    • Ice Cream month
    • The Dairy Alliance
  • Products He'll Love

    Products He'll Love

    Here are a few items he'll love for Father's Day

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Products We Love; Certified Farm Markets; Father's Day
  • Burning Calories in the Garden

    Burning Calories in the Garden

    Get fit and grow a beautiful garden at the same time! Learn more about how gardening is good for your health.

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Blog
    • DIY
    • Gardening
    • Tags:
    • Ag in the Classroom; Education; Gardening; National Gardening as Exercise Day
  • Delectable Vegetable Quiche

    Delectable Vegetable Quiche


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • broccoli
    • Eggs
    • mushrooms
    • quiche
    • Recipe
    • tomatoes
    • Vegetables
  • The Farm Passport Rock Hunt

    The Farm Passport Rock Hunt

    Presented by GFB’s Certified Farm Market, 农场护照岩石狩猎是一个令人兴奋的冒险,你可以赢得奖品!

    • Categories:
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Tags:
    • Agritourism
    • Bruce's Nut-N-Honey Farm
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • farm market
    • Farm Passport
    • Green Acres
    • Gregg Farms
    • Long Farms
    • Merck Farms
    • Nu Sunrise Farm
    • O5 Farm
    • Paulk Vineyards
    • Rockin S Farm
    • Thompson Farms
  • Peach Tea with Mint

    Peach Tea with Mint

    As the days get hotter, cool down with this refreshing combo of fresh peaches, mint and sweet iced tea.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • mint tea
    • peach mint tea
    • peach tea
    • peaches
    • Recipes
  • Ag-Tivities with Lauren: 'Wonderful Worms'

    Ag-Tivities with Lauren: 'Wonderful Worms'


    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
    • ag in the classroom; education; learning
  • Tips to Build the Perfect Beef Burger

    Tips to Build the Perfect Beef Burger


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Beef
    • Cattlemen's Association
    • National Beef Month
  • Farm Passport: Your Summer Route Through South Georgia

    Farm Passport: Your Summer Route Through South Georgia

    我们的农场市场协调员汇集了三条路线,帮助您探索佐治亚州所有农场所提供的! First up: South Georgia.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Tags:
    • Berry Good Farms
    • Calhoun Produce
    • Chase Farm Market
    • Copeland Strawberry Farms
    • Ellis Bros Pecans
    • Excelsior Farms and Fresh Market
    • Farm Passport
    • Jibb's Vineyard
    • Mark's Melon Patch
    • Merritt Pecan Co
    • Ochlocknee Ridge Farm
    • Passport
    • White Oak Pastures
    • William Brown Farm Market
  • Farm Passport: Your Summer Route Through North Georgia

    Farm Passport: Your Summer Route Through North Georgia

    Have an adventure in North Georgia using the Farm Passport! Here's a guide.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Tags:
    • 05 Farms
    • farm market
    • Farm Passport
    • Fritchey's Farm Fresh Market
    • Hillside Orchard Farms
    • Jaemore Farms
    • Moon Farms
    • osage farms
    • Passport
    • Rockin S Farm
    • Warbington Farms
  • Farm Passport: Your Summer Route Through Middle Georgia

    Farm Passport: Your Summer Route Through Middle Georgia

    农场护照可以帮助你发现隐藏在国家中部的宝藏. Here's an easy route to take!

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Market
    • Country Gardens Farm
    • Dickey Farms
    • Elliott Farms
    • EM Farms
    • Farm Passport
    • Fitzgerald Fruit Farms
    • Greenway Farms
    • Gregg Farms
    • Nu Sunrise Farms
    • Pearson Farms
    • Red-Tip Farm
  • Georgia Dairy Farms Feed America

    Georgia Dairy Farms Feed America


    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • Cheese
    • Dairy
    • dairy cow
    • Milk
  • Products She'll Love

    Products She'll Love


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Mother's Day
    • Products We Love
  • Ag-Tivities with Lauren: Little Red Overalls

    Ag-Tivities with Lauren: Little Red Overalls

    Are you read for a berry good time?

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
    • ag in the classroom; education; learning
  • Ag-Tivities with Lauren: Earth Day

    Ag-Tivities with Lauren: Earth Day

    Celebrate Earth Day with Georgia Farm Bureau

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Earth Day
  • A spring guide to discovering Georgia Agriculture

    A spring guide to discovering Georgia Agriculture

    Looking for a place to buy your essentials with low crowds, high safety measures, and beautiful scenery? Your local farm has you covered.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Market
    • farm visit
    • fresh produce
    • local food
    • local vegetables
  • Ag-Tivities with Lauren: And Then It’s Spring!

    Ag-Tivities with Lauren: And Then It’s Spring!

    This week's Ag-Tivities with Lauren features

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • agtivity
    • Spring
  • Ag-Tivities With Lauren: Celebrating Easter

    Ag-Tivities With Lauren: Celebrating Easter

    Celebrate Easter with us with these fun ag learning activities

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Blog
    • Tags:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • aitc
    • Education
    • learning
  • Make My Plate Georgia Grown - Brunch Edition

    Make My Plate Georgia Grown - Brunch Edition

    Celebrate Georgia Agriculture with this brunch menu.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • brunch
    • ga grown
    • georgia grown
  • Celebrating Our Heroes

    Celebrating Our Heroes


    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Tags:
  • At-Home Ag Education Resources for Kids and Parents

    At-Home Ag Education Resources for Kids and Parents

    Get outdoors with your kids. Learn about how the world works.  农业为学习科学、数学、历史等提供了一个有趣的框架.

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Blog
    • Tags:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Ag Literacy
    • learning res0urces
    • virtual learning
  • Family, faith and the farm

    Family, faith and the farm


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • faith
    • Family
  • Back to Her Roots

    Back to Her Roots

    回到家庭农场后,厨师安妮·奎特拉诺在烹饪上获得了成功, chef behind the wildly popular Bacchanalia.

    • Categories:
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    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
  • A Few of Anne's Favorite Things

    A Few of Anne's Favorite Things


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • anne quantrano
  • 安妮·匡特拉诺的新鲜配菜:烤鸡配面包沙拉


    A simple yet delicious springtime chicken dinner

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • bread salad
    • Recipe
    • roasted chicken
    • salad
  • Celebrate Georgia Ag Week With Us

    Celebrate Georgia Ag Week With Us

    佐治亚州农场局的团队对佐治亚州的第一个全虚拟佐治亚州农业周感到兴奋. Join in on the fun from home!

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Education
    • Tags:
    • ga ag week
    • georgia ag week
  • Grow Your Own Pizza Garden

    Grow Your Own Pizza Garden


    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Blog
    • Tags:
  • Virtual Dairy Learning Tools

    Virtual Dairy Learning Tools

    From the cheese in our casseroles to the butter on our biscuit, dairy adds flavor to our meals and enriches our lives. 

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    • Blog
    • Tags:
  • The Story Behind the 2020 Passport Cover

    The Story Behind the 2020 Passport Cover


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    • Blog
    • Tags:
  • Dollywood Celebrates 35 Years with New Festival

    Dollywood Celebrates 35 Years with New Festival

    Dollywood’s Flower & 美食节是一个为期五周的活动,将在2020年为烟雾带来充满活力的春季鳍.

    • Categories:
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    • Member Benefits
    • Tags:
    • Dollywood
    • Member Benefits
    • Member savings
  • Promoting agriculture through education

    Promoting agriculture through education


    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Blog
    • Farm Bureau
    • Tags:
    • Agriculture
    • Education
    • women's committee
    • women's leadership
  • Women in Agriculture

    Women in Agriculture


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  • Angel Food Cake with Macerated Strawberries

    Angel Food Cake with Macerated Strawberries


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • angel food cake
    • ann quatrano
    • bacchanalia
    • Recipe
    • Recipes
    • Strawberries
  • Protect Yourself from Identity Theft this Tax Season

    Protect Yourself from Identity Theft this Tax Season

    Tax season is also open-season for tax-related identity theft. Get tips on how to stay safe this tax season.

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    • Member Benefits
    • Tags:
    • Member Benefits
  • 2019 Holiday Gift Guide

    2019 Holiday Gift Guide


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    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
  • Maple Apple Pie

    Maple Apple Pie

    Craving something sweet to enjoy on a cold winter night? This classic pie is sure to hit the spot. 

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
  • Brown Butter Honey Garlic Roasted Carrots

    Brown Butter Honey Garlic Roasted Carrots

    胡萝卜是一种脆脆的根茎蔬菜,可以很容易地与咸味或甜味的食材搭配, and when you combine the two, makes for an undeniably delicious side dish.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Carrots
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Recipes
  • Get pump-kined about fall reading!

    Get pump-kined about fall reading!

    秋天正式到来,这意味着伴随着凉爽的气温和松脆的树叶,所有的东西都是南瓜! Pumpkin patches, pumpkin carving, roasting seeds and of course reading!

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Pumpkins
    • Reading
  • First Lady Marty Kemp Helps Grow Georgia

    First Lady Marty Kemp Helps Grow Georgia

    Before Marty Kemp moved into the Governor’s Mansion in Atlanta, she admitted she wasn’t that great at growing a garden. Now, as she looks across her lush green lawn, Georgia’s First Lady has the state’s first industry on her mind daily.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Gardening
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Marty Kemp
  • Equal Parts Science and Spirit

    Equal Parts Science and Spirit

    Sweet Grass Dairy将对农业的热爱与创造力结合在一起,创造出著名的奶酪.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Cheese
    • Sweet Grass Dairy
  • 灵感来自厨师斯坦利·西蒙,乔治亚州州长官邸


    With help from our Certified Farm Markets, 发现令人满意的食谱,并确保在秋高气爽的夜晚温暖你的核心.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Brussel Sprouts
    • Chicken
    • Recipe
  • Fall for reading this September

    Fall for reading this September

    The seasons are a changing and apples are ripe for the picking! 看看我们9月份的阅读清单,了解这些脆脆的美女.

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Apples
    • Education
  • Top Things to Fall for!

    Top Things to Fall for!

    This fall take a memorable day trip with your friends and family. 一起迷失在玉米迷宫里,一起分享苹果派,一起挑选要雕刻的南瓜.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • CFM
    • Fall
  • Macon Burger Week

    Macon Burger Week

    连续第二年,乔治亚州牛肉委员会举办了梅肯汉堡周. 整整七天,十九家当地餐馆精心制作了一周的汉堡, all for just $5.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Beef
    • Burger
    • Food
  • Classic Caprese Salad

    Classic Caprese Salad

    你知道在乔治亚州有32个认证农场市场出售新鲜食品吗, in-season and locally grown tomatoes?

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Market
    • Recipe
    • Tomato
  • Preserving Georgia Greatness, Year-Round!

    Preserving Georgia Greatness, Year-Round!

    In order to enjoy Georgia's harvest year-round, 许多人利用佐治亚农业教育食品加工中心.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Canning
  • Member Benefit: Ford Promotes Environmentally Friendly Auto Parts!

    Member Benefit: Ford Promotes Environmentally Friendly Auto Parts!

    当你回收塑料瓶的时候,你有没有停下来想过这些塑料最终会到哪里去? One answer: Ford vehicles.

    • Categories:
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    • Member Benefits
    • Tags:
    • Ford
    • Member Benefit
  • Conservation is Key!

    Conservation is Key!

    Learn how to conserve our most precious resources.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Conservation
  • Brown Butter Pecan Cookies

    Brown Butter Pecan Cookies


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Pecans
    • Recipes
  • Peanut Butter Pretzel Bark

    Peanut Butter Pretzel Bark


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Peanut Butter
    • Recipes
  • Green Onion Pesto

    Green Onion Pesto


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Market
    • Green Onion
    • Local
    • Recipes
    • Savory
  • Grow Your Summer Reading List!

    Grow Your Summer Reading List!

    我们马上就要到夏天了,这意味着学年即将结束! Whether your summer is filled with craft projects, going to camp, 或者去海滩旅行——腾出时间阅读和学习有关农业的知识!

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
    • Ag Books
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Ag Literacy
  • Strawberry Jam

    Strawberry Jam

    Strawberry season is about to sunset, 所以赶紧享用这些美味的红色红宝石吧,否则就太迟了!

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • Jam
    • Recipes
    • Strawberry
  • Discover Georgia’s Specialty Crops

    Discover Georgia’s Specialty Crops


    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Tags:
    • Agriculture
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Fruit
    • Vegetables
  • Meet Doster Harper, FFA North Region State Vice President

    Meet Doster Harper, FFA North Region State Vice President

    Learn what drove Doster to run for state office!

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Farm
    • FFA
    • Georgia Farm Life
    • Life Lessons
    • Young Farmers
  • Meet Ava Jane Teasley, FFA North Region State Vice President

    Meet Ava Jane Teasley, FFA North Region State Vice President


    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Legislative
    • Tags:
    • Farm
    • FFA
    • Georgia Farm Life
    • Life Lessons
    • Young Farmers
  • Meet Brittany Braddy, FFA Central Region State Vice President

    Meet Brittany Braddy, FFA Central Region State Vice President

    Discover the role agriculture plays in Brittany's life!

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Farm
    • FFA
    • Georgia Farm Life
    • Life Lessons
    • Young Farmers
  • Meet Thomas Maddox, FFA Central Region State Vice President

    Meet Thomas Maddox, FFA Central Region State Vice President


    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Farm
    • FFA
    • Georgia Farm Life
    • Life Lessons
    • Young Farmers
  • Meet Dawson Adams, FFA South Region State Vice President

    Meet Dawson Adams, FFA South Region State Vice President


    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Farm
    • FFA
    • Georgia Farm Life
    • Life Lessons
    • Young Farmers
  • Pecan Pie Bars

    Pecan Pie Bars

    April is National Pecan Month! Celebrate with these delicious pecan pie bar...just like your favorite slice, but no fork or plate required!

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • Pecans
    • Recipes
  • Certified Farm Market Spring Bucket List

    Certified Farm Market Spring Bucket List

    你在寻找享受室外新绽放的色彩和温暖的温度的方法吗? Look no further than the Certified Farm Market Spring Bucket List!

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Markets
  • Georgia Farm Bureau Insurance – Being Different Matters

    Georgia Farm Bureau Insurance – Being Different Matters


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Insurance
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Insurance
  • Products We Love

    Products We Love


    • Categories:
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    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Products We Love
  • Fresh Fixins with Georgia-Based Chef, Rebecca Egsieker

    Fresh Fixins with Georgia-Based Chef, Rebecca Egsieker

    With help from our Certified Farm Markets, 乳制品联盟的厨师丽贝卡·埃格西克分享的食谱会让你的客人惊叹不已, ‘I do declare!’ and clamoring for a proper southern afternoon tea—pinky in the air.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Asparagus
    • Dairy
    • Recipe
    • Sweet Pea
  • From Crops to Pops, King of Pops

    From Crops to Pops, King of Pops

    When word sprouts up that the world’s first popsicle farm was planted, grown and cultivated in Georgia, you lend a listening ear and a curious green thumb.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Agriculture
    • Farming Popsicles
    • King of Pops
  • Let’s Be Frank…Certified Farm Markets know how to dress a dog!

    Let’s Be Frank…Certified Farm Markets know how to dress a dog!


    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Pork
    • Recipe
  • Growing My Community

    Growing My Community

    Meet Chy Kellogg, Cobb County Volunteer. 了解Chy的当地农业局是如何激励她参与农业的

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Agriculture
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    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Education
    • Farm Bureau
    • Lifestyle
    • Member Benefits
    • Tags:
    • Agriculture
    • Membership
    • Volunteer
  • Leading Causes of Farming Accidents...Experience!

    Leading Causes of Farming Accidents...Experience!

    During Ag Safety Awareness Week, learn from Dr. Rains about the leading causes of farming accidents!

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Life Lessons
    • Safety
  • Meet Clay Parker, State FFA Secretary

    Meet Clay Parker, State FFA Secretary

    Clay shares the story of how he became involved in FFA!

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Farm
    • FFA
    • Georgia Farm Life
    • Life Lessons
    • Young Farmers
  • Meet Bryce Roland, State FFA President

    Meet Bryce Roland, State FFA President


    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Farm
    • FFA
    • Georgia Farm Life
    • Life Lessons
    • Young Farmers
  • Creamy Shiitake Mushroom Soup

    Creamy Shiitake Mushroom Soup


    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Recipes
    • Shiitake Mushrooms
    • Soup
  • A Few Ag Books We Love

    A Few Ag Books We Love

    Just as love is all around, so it agriculture! The best way to show your love is to give the gift of reading!

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
    • Ag Books
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Ag Literacy
  • Collecting Old Farm Trucks

    Collecting Old Farm Trucks

    Discover the priceless links to farming past through one man's hobby.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Farm Trucks
    • Hobby
  • Cure the Winter Blues with Story Time!

    Cure the Winter Blues with Story Time!

    There's no better cure to the winter blues than reading and story time! 在每年的这个时候介绍农业会提醒你的孩子和学生春天的希望.

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Ag Books
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Ag Literacy
  • Broadband is not a Luxury, it’s a Necessity

    Broadband is not a Luxury, it’s a Necessity

    农民和牧场主需要宽带来使用最新的精准农业设备, follow commodity markets, communicate with their customers, gain access to new markets around the world and, increasingly, for regulatory compliance.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Rural Broadband
    • Technology
  • Balsamic Brussels Sprouts

    Balsamic Brussels Sprouts

    Balsamic Brussels Sprouts mix sweet, savory, crispy and bacon...because everything is better with bacon!

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Brussel Sprouts
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Recipes
  • Give the Gift of Reading!

    Give the Gift of Reading!

    圣诞节即将来临,今年选择送出阅读作为礼物吧! Ag in the Classroom Coordinator, Lauren Goble, 编制了一份以农业为基础的圣诞书籍清单,帮助孩子们在庆祝节日的同时学习!

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Ag Books
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Ag Literacy
  • Holiday Gift Guide

    Holiday Gift Guide


    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Georgia Made
    • Local
  • Drop Biscuit Pear Cobbler

    Drop Biscuit Pear Cobbler

    Craving something sweet to enjoy on a cold fall night? 这款南方经典之作一定会很受欢迎,而且根据时令水果的不同而不同.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Dessert
    • Pears
    • Recipes
  • 佐治亚大学经济学家认为,格鲁吉亚农民需要立即获得财政援助


    To avoid losing their farms following Hurricane Michael, Georgia farmers need financial relief as soon as possible.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Tags:
    • Hurricane Michael
  • 今年11月在教室里感谢农民的4种简单方法!


    “课堂上的农业”的目的是提高儿童和公众的农业素养. 今年11月,让我们对农民说声“谢谢”,感谢他们为我们提供粮食, fiber and timber we depend on daily.

    • Categories:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
    • Ag in the Classroom
    • Children Activites
  • Growing the Next Generation of Farm Leaders

    Growing the Next Generation of Farm Leaders

    Last week, AFBF主席Zippy Duvall有幸在印第安纳波利斯的FFA全国大会上度过了一天. 他与来自全国各地的学生就美国农业和农村面临的一些紧迫问题进行了交谈.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Tags:
    • 4-H
    • AFBF
    • FFA
  • Pumpkin Whoopie Pies

    Pumpkin Whoopie Pies

    As an iconic fall flavor, 重拾南瓜食谱让我们知道感恩的季节到了! 我们的认证农场市场计划在全州有16个不同的地点,您可以在那里挑选您选择的南瓜.

    • Categories:
    • Agritourism
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Dessert
    • Pumpkin
    • Recipes
  • Soy In Your Car?

    Soy In Your Car?

    Soybeans are the second-largest crop grown on U.S. farms, and while the Midwest is the heartland of soybean production, Georgia farmers planted more than 150,000 acres of soybeans in 2017.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Tags:
    • Agriculture
  • This October Make Time to Eat Together, Eat Better with Real Dairy

    This October Make Time to Eat Together, Eat Better with Real Dairy

    最近的研究将有规律的家庭聚餐(每周3到5次)与较低的危险行为率联系起来, teen pregnancy and depression, 儿童和年轻人的学习成绩也会更好,自尊心也会更强.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Dairy
    • Food
    • Recipe
  • Smart Southerner

    Smart Southerner

    A rural Bainbridge boy, raised on the religion of football, 成长为全国大学体育运动的领军人物之一. 这位是柯比·斯玛特,佐治亚大学橄榄球队的主教练.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Georgia Neighbors Magazine
    • Lifestyle
  • Tale of a Trailblazer

    Tale of a Trailblazer


    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Agriculture
    • Life Lessons
    • Lifestyle
  • Who Grew My Breakfast?

    Who Grew My Breakfast?

    有没有想过需要多少农民来帮你做一天中最重要的一餐? As the leading industry in Georgia, 农业就在你身边——尤其是当你和你的家人围坐在餐桌旁吃面包的时候.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Local
    • Recipes
  • Wherever You Go, We're There With You

    Wherever You Go, We're There With You

    Personal property loss can be a difficult experience, 不管是小车祸还是对你的家的重大破坏. The good news is, Georgia Farm Bureau is here to help.

    • Categories:
    • Blog
    • Insurance
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Insurance
  • Fresh Fixins with Georgia-Based Chef, Matthew Newton

    Fresh Fixins with Georgia-Based Chef, Matthew Newton

    With help from our Certified Farm Markets, 梅肯The Rookery餐厅的大厨马修·牛顿分享了他最喜欢的尾随美食食谱. This starting lineup will tackle your palate with flavor & help you score a touchdown with friends at your next tailgate party.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Food
    • Lifestyle
    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Recipes
  • I Farm. I Vote.

    I Farm. I Vote.

    I Farm. I Vote. 是一项倡议,鼓励格鲁吉亚的农民和农村社区行使他们的公民义务,投票和提供教育候选人的政策立场.

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Legislative
    • Tags:
    • Agriculture
    • Legislative
  • Peanut Butter Whip with Apples

    Peanut Butter Whip with Apples


    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Food
    • Tags:
    • Apples
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Recipes
  • Young Farmer Jesse Patrick, Bridges the Gap Between Past and Present

    Young Farmer Jesse Patrick, Bridges the Gap Between Past and Present

    作为第六代农民,杰西·帕特里克在伊顿一个拥有700头奶牛的奶牛场长大. To say farming is in his blood would be an understatement.

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  • Fall Events at Your Local Certified Farm Market

    Fall Events at Your Local Certified Farm Market


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    • Fall
  • Transparency on the Farm

    Transparency on the Farm

    Each of us is unique. 我们来自不同的地方,从事不同的工作,享受不同的爱好. But one thing that we all have in common is food.

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    • Farmers
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  • New ‘Ag Across America’ Game and App Debut

    New ‘Ag Across America’ Game and App Debut

    Want your student to learn where their food comes from, who grows it and how it ends up on their dinner table? The Ag Across America game can do just that!

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
    • Blog
    • Education
    • Tags:
    • Agriculture
    • Education
  • Georgia Harvest Calendar

    Georgia Harvest Calendar

    Want to know what's available and when? Check out the Georgia Harvest Calendar to find out!

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    • Certified Farm Markets
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    • Tags:
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    • Fruits
    • Seasonal
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  • Collard Greens

    Collard Greens

    While these fibrous leafy greens are available year-round, collard greens are at their prime from January to June!

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    • Tags:
    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Collard Greens
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  • “Get More with Milk” during National Dairy Month!

    “Get More with Milk” during National Dairy Month!

    乳品月表彰生产健康、营养的牛奶的辛勤工作和奉献精神. 了解更多关于营养价值,奶农和快乐的奶牛,让我们解渴!

    • Categories:
    • Agriculture
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    • Tags:
    • Diary Farmer
    • farming
    • Milk
  • Fighting Pollen? Fight Smarter with These Pollen-Busting Tips

    Fighting Pollen? Fight Smarter with These Pollen-Busting Tips

    Are your sinuses clogged? Do you feel like you are walking in a sea of yellow dust? Have you washed your car three times this week? Welcome to pollen season in Georgia.

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    • Tags:
    • Pollen
    • Spring
  • Beef Cattle Production in Georgia

    Beef Cattle Production in Georgia

    我们已经进入了五月,正好是乔治亚州牛肉月和全国牛肉月, it is a perfect time to highlight our beef industry here, the producers, and all of the many reasons why great beef comes from Georgia.

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    • Agriculture
    • Beef
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  • Products We Love: Goodson Pecans

    Products We Love: Goodson Pecans


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    • Pecans
    • Products We Love
  • Deviled Eggs

    Deviled Eggs


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    • Tags:
    • CFM
    • Eggs
    • Recipe
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  • New Member Benefit: Great Wolf Lodge

    New Member Benefit: Great Wolf Lodge


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    • Member Benefits
  • Incorporating Beef into a Healthy Lifestyle

    Incorporating Beef into a Healthy Lifestyle

    Instead of scooping a protein substitute out of a container, head to the beef counter at your local grocery store!

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    • Tags:
    • Agriculture
    • Beef
    • Health
  • Jobs in Ag: Education

    Jobs in Ag: Education


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    • Tags:
    • Jobs in Ag
  • Savory Ribeye Steak

    Savory Ribeye Steak

    Steak can be an intimidating meat to add to your dinner rotation. With this easy recipe you can make in the oven with a cast iron skillet, you will be adding steak to the menu every week.

    • Categories:
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    • Tags:
    • Beef
    • Certified Farm Market
    • Steak
  • 5 reasons to get involved in Young Farmers & Ranchers

    5 reasons to get involved in Young Farmers & Ranchers

    Learn what involvement in YF&R means to current members from across the state of Georgia!

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    • Farmers
    • Lifestyle
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  • What's it like to be a National FFA Officer?

    What's it like to be a National FFA Officer?

    As the National FFA Southern Region Vice President, 伊恩·班尼特明年将有300天的时间在路上, 行程超过10万英里,在大约65个便利车间附近的某个地方工作.

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    • Tags:
    • Agriculture
    • FFA
    • Georgia Farm Life
    • Young Farmers
  • Common Mistakes 20-Somethings Make When Buying Insurance

    Common Mistakes 20-Somethings Make When Buying Insurance


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    • Insurance
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    • Tags:
    • Insurance
    • Life Lessons
  • The Farmers' Wave

    The Farmers' Wave

    In my travels around our tiny piece of rural Georgia, 我在路上遇到很多人,他们可能不认识我,我也可能不认识他们, but we abide by the common country courtesy of the wave.

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    • Family
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    • Traditions
  • Strawberry Season is Here!

    Strawberry Season is Here!


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    • Certified Farm Market
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    • Spring
    • Strawberries
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  • Farm talk with celebrity chef, Kevin Gillespie

    Farm talk with celebrity chef, Kevin Gillespie

    Here’s your chance to get to know Kevin Gillespie, 这位迷人的乔治亚人因其独特而新鲜的农场饲养方式而成为头条新闻和全国关注的焦点, artisan food.

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    • Tags:
    • Farm
    • farming
    • Food
    • Georgia Farm Life
  • A 20-Somethings Guide to Understanding Risk

    A 20-Somethings Guide to Understanding Risk


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    • Insurance
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    • Tags:
    • Insurance
    • Lifestyle
  • Fresh Fixins with Georgia-Based Chef, Cissy Bates

    Fresh Fixins with Georgia-Based Chef, Cissy Bates

    With help from two of our Certified Farm Markets, Thompson Farms and B&G Honey Farm, Chef Cissy Bates shares the perfect recipes for a wipe-your-brow, sipping' on sweet-tea, spring afternoon.

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    • Certified Farm Markets
    • Entrée
    • Green Beans
    • Honey
    • Pork
    • Recipes
    • Savory
    • Sweet
  • The Dirt on Compost

    The Dirt on Compost

    Let's talk more about the benefits of composting, what not to add to your compost pile, and how to know what's best for your garden.

    • Categories:
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    • DIY
    • Gardening
    • Tags:
    • Composting
    • DIY
    • Gardening
  • Don't Rely on Guardian Angels to Stay Safe on the Farm

    Don't Rely on Guardian Angels to Stay Safe on the Farm


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    • Tags:
    • Agricultural Safety Awareness Week
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    • Life Lessons
  • Strawberry Fruit Pizza

    Strawberry Fruit Pizza

    我们听说今天是国家草莓日,觉得没有比做一份甜点更好的庆祝方式了! This fruit pizza is a go to when fresh berries are in season, and lucky for us, strawberries will be here before you know it!

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    • Tags:
    • Strawberries
  • Meet Hinkley Hood, State FFA Secretary

    Meet Hinkley Hood, State FFA Secretary

    Hinkley explains what drove him to run for state office!

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  • Meet Tucker Felkins, State FFA President

    Meet Tucker Felkins, State FFA President


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  • Sweet Potato Fries

    Sweet Potato Fries

    对传统薯条的不同诠释,美味可口,一年四季都可以享用. 将这些添加到您的晚餐菜单中,帮助我们庆祝全国红薯月.

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    • Certified Farm Market
    • Georgia Farm Life
    • Savory
    • Snack
    • Sweet Potatoes
    • Vegetable
  • 8 Things To Know About CUVA

    8 Things To Know About CUVA

    有这么多的首字母缩略词,很难把它们都弄清楚. One acronym that is critically important to Georgia farmers is CUVA, or the Conservation Use Value Assessment.

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    • Property
  • Pickled Dill Green Beans

    Pickled Dill Green Beans

    Need a quick snack? Garnish for a salad? Maybe use up your extra vegetables before they go bad? 快速酸洗是实现上述所有目标的好方法,而且非常容易,所需的材料很少. Read More

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    • Tags:
    • Green Beans
    • Recipes
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    • Snack
    • Vegetables
  • Georgia Olive Farms

    Georgia Olive Farms

    Whether used for frying, making dressings, or just flavoring vegetables, olive oil has become a staple of the American diet, 需求的增加使得南乔治亚州的一些农场给了这种不寻常的作物一个机会.

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    • Tags:
    • Farmers
    • Jobs in Agriculture
    • Olive Oil
    • Olives
  • 10 Things I Learned Growing Up On A Farm

    10 Things I Learned Growing Up On A Farm

    我认为这是一个众所周知的事实,农业不仅仅是一个典型的朝九晚五的工作. There's a lot more than just 40 hours involved, 你永远不知道你将在什么样的温度或天气条件下工作. Read More

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    • Tags:
    • Farmers
    • Georgia Farm Life
    • Jobs in Agriculture
    • Life Lessons
  • Brown Butter Pumpkin Cookies

    Brown Butter Pumpkin Cookies

    秋天终于来到了乔治亚州,这意味着南瓜片和叶子开始发生变化. 如果你正在寻找完美的甜点来庆祝格鲁吉亚的丰收,那就别再找了.

    • Categories:
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    • Tags:
    • Dessert
    • Fall
    • Fruit
    • Pumpkin
    • Sweet
    • Vegetables
  • 13 Georgia Apple Orchards You Should Visit This Fall

    13 Georgia Apple Orchards You Should Visit This Fall

    乔治亚州的苹果季可能在8月下旬开始,但10月份属于苹果. 最初为期一周的庆祝活动最终变成了整整一个月.

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    • Tags:
    • Apples
    • Fall
    • Fruits
    • Orchard
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